Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mugg&Bean VS. Starbucks

In South Africa we have this coffee shop called Mugg&Bean, while in America we have Starbucks. It's very difficult to compare the two, since they cater to different people groups.
M&B is a place where you go to in a mall and sit down, order your coffee and watch people go by.
While Starbucks is a on-the-go, wake-me-up coffee take away. Starbucks offer far more variety in drinks and coffees, but you don't have the luxury of being served at a table. Although the seats aren't always the most comfortable at M&B, they do offer alot more than coffee. They have a fairly wide variety of foods and desserts.

In SA (especially Cape Town) it is alot more relaxed and slower than America. It's normal to have to wait forever in a restaraunt for your meal. There is just no point in rushing. We would go to the mall to hang out for awhile, watch a movie and have dinner all in the same place. The drive to this place was 10 minutes away.
Now in Lancaster county, it feels like it takes 30 minutes to leave our road, the restaraunt is a diner (nah, not always) and the movie house is in between 10 farms.

It's been a big adjustment driving in America compared to South Africa. If we wanted to go to the other side of town (30 min away), it was a big deal you hardly ever did that. You just stayed in your suburb for the most part, which was the northern suburbs in my case. Now, it's really nothing to travel to 30- 45 minutes to find something to do.


Anonymous said...

well i rate mugg & bean suck hate going there but the best shop for coffi in cape town is called seattle coffi down the road from my college its super rad for the early mornings



If we don't keep considering our dream it will stay a dream or worse, it will become a nightmare.

A Father's Voice