Thursday, July 31, 2008

24 Hours

If we could have 10 bucks for every time our life has changed in 24 hours, we would be very rich people. I'm sure it's the same for you too. One moment you know what's happening, know where you are and know where you are headed. Suddenly, one phone call or one meeting can change your life forever.

So why do we plan or think ahead? I asked myself this quite a bit. Especially since I'm someone who likes to know what's happening in my life (something I haven't known for awhile). I like to be sure of where I am and what I'm going to be doing. We plan for life A; one phone call and you faced with option B. BAM! Life changes.

Sometimes we don't know what B is, while we in A so how can we plan for it. The sad fact is that we can't. It's just not possible to know what we will be faced with everyday of our lives. Every decision we make today could effect the tomorrow, which is pretty scary to think of it.

I think we plan because if we didn't we would be stagnant and dead. By planning and thinking of the future it drives us on to something more. Fact is we may not achieve what we want, the way we want it. Maybe a different way, maybe God's way.

I tend to sometimes, okay, most of the time, start blaming in these situation. Of coarse it always is someone's fault, but maybe that's the way God worked it for us. He knows the future and knows that maybe we need a life change, probably we do. However, the blame is still there, I guess that's what comes from those who are being used by God. Something to think about, hey.

Hope you have a great day folks. Keep us in prayers.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Family Forever

Hey Friends and Family
How are you all doing? I sometimes feel like this is a one way conversation, since I'm always (okay...should be always) writing, but I never know how my readers are doing? So let me know in the comments.

Since I'm mentioning family, I just want to let my family members back in South Africa know that I really really miss them. I think this is one of the toughest things about moving to a new country. There is no family. Now I know you saying you have your immediate family there, which I'm grateful for, but sometimes you need to see other family.

The thing about your family is that they will love you all the time, people that you can just be with. They say you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. I would choose the family I have any day. I miss you guys stacks.

For the rest of my readers. Check out my site at and I'll be sure to write soon on what's happening in the Craze world of uhm... wherever I am.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Batman! A Smashing Hit.

Hey hey everyone.
Hope you had a great weekend? I did, it's been really warm the past few days, which has been very nice. We have a portable pool that has a leak so it's about a foot deep(30cm) in the deep end. I spent a good part of the day just laying in it enjoying the "scenery." In case you don't understand what I mean by scenery, I mean cows on one side and corn fields on the other, which by the way are above my head now. Just so you know!

Anyway on Friday I went to the movies with some friends. Batman. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it as a brilliant movie. Dark Night set a record overtaking Spider-Man for highest box office in opening weekend, making 155.34 Million. You can read more here.

Dark Night was a intense, on the edge nail-biting movie with plenty twists, that I'm sure the guys will enjoy. Yet there is no blood (at least not shown anyway). As Heath Ledgers last movie I would say he went off with a bang. He made Batman's role look amateur.

On another note, our ministry website is doing very well, averaging 15-20 hits a day. You can check it out here.

Also you can check out my our newest blog on relationship compatibility.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tick Tick... Time Flies By, But It's Not The Only Thing.

July 17! Wow, if you don't keep track of the days, you get a shock when you do. Ever since I've been in America, the days seem to run into each other. The week feels like weekend, the weekend feels like holiday. It's been interesting. This is mainly because I haven't had any set schedule to keep.

At times I like this and other times it's a real test. However the past few months have been very good, especially the past 2 weeks. I've been pretty busy (which is why you haven't heard from me). As you know I have been studying the web, focusing on Internet marketing and blogging.
As of know I have 4 small personal blogs, some of which has brought in a little bit of money, and I'm designing 3 or 4 big ones for different people. This takes alot of time. So my days are pretty much full at the moment. The latest weblog is about Relationships, I am working on this one with my dad and will be available for you to see soon.

Now! That's for time, BUT we have something else that has been flying by. Sent by Satan himself to torment us-FLIES. That's right hundreds of them buzzing around the house. We were warned of this, but honestly I didn't expect it to be quite this bad.
  • Early risers:They wake me up at 5am
  • No respect: Mate right in front of everyone!
  • Share: They think we share meals and drinks

I say you can't even curse them, because by the time thats done they dead and you then have to deal with their children. Every now and again, someone will get very irritated, bring out the can and fumigate the house, much to Moms disagreement.

Nonetheless live goes on in Lancaster County, with the cows, corn and now flies.

Cheers Jonathan

Thursday, July 10, 2008

South African Slang

It feels like it's been awhile since I last posted, so I thought I'd give you a really interesting funny post. Not that my other ones aren't... but this one is a special comparison between America and South Africa.

Since I've been in the States I've been asked a number of times "What are some of the slang words you use in South Africa?" For those of you living in South Africa you would quickly be able to answer that, because you use the words everyday. BUT for me when I'm alone and someone asks, I can't think of any! The ones that I do managed to stumble out my mouth are literally impossible to explain.
For those Americans who have asked and not got a answer here are a bunch.
For the South Africans, be proud of your slang, it totally rocks.

Ag man!- This is used when you frustrated or dissappointed in something. The translation would be Oh man.

Aweh!- No English translation, but the closest thing would be Oh Yeah.

Bokkie- Refering to someone you love, like sweetheart.

Bru- Like bro, a male friend.

Dinges- Something, whatchamacallit, thingymabob.

Dof- Stupid

Dorpie- Small Town, we live in a very very very small dorpie now!

Eina!- Ouch

Ja. - Yes

Laaitie- A younger person

Mielie- Corn

Moegoe- This is referred to alot by my family as no one knows what it means here. Someone who is being stupid, irritating, coward or weakling.

Naartjie- Tangerine, also another name for moegoe.

Skrik- to get a fright

Vrot- rotten, like a fruit.

Lekker- This is one of my favourite/favorite. It can be used in many places.
  • This food is lekker.
  • The weather is lekker.
  • That's a lekker blog.
  • That was a lekker game.
  • I'm lekker full.
  • Rugby is lekker.

I think you get the drift.

Braai- a real barbeque

For more South African slang click here. Most of these words are Afrikaans which is one of South Africas official languages. We have 11! Some others are from Xhosa, and yes this is the language with the click.

If you still in SA and can think of some that I haven't mentioned, please feel free to let me know in the comments. I need to be reminded. Also you can sign-up to receive notices of when I make a post.

Cheers, have a awesome day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 4th

Well Well, Can you believe it? We are in July already. I've now been in PA over 5 months, which seems actually like 5 days. This past year has really gone very fast. As I'm sure you know tomorrow is July 4th, so congratulations to all the Americans (you do congratulate don't you?) including those that aren't in the states!
Hopefully I'll go somewhere to see some fireworks, anyone know a good spot? Last year I was in Vermont and it rained so no fireworks, Im hoping it doesn't rain again.
I thought I'd just leave you with some pics off the last few weeks. BTW, thanks for all your comments and congratulations on me being here one year. You guys make it worth hanging around.
(Above)Wesley playing during praise and worship at feet on the street.
(Below) Worship during our conference.

Sitting around a dying fire at camp
Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Youth On Fire!

Hi All

I'm back after an amazing week at a youth camp. I was a group leader of a few youth from feet on the street in Reading. The boot-camp took place in Reading, Pa and was focused on evangelism. We did outreaches into Reading everyday, as well as work projects cleaning up the area. If you drive through Reading in the next few days, chances are you will see something we painted.

God did amazing things both for the kids and for myself. Many of them had never prayed for someone or witnessed to someone, but by the end of the camp I had to tell them to hurry up otherwise we would be late. Can you picture that? Youth that are so on fire for God that they would stop and pray for everyone they see? It was awesome to witness and be a part of.

Thursday night , the night of nights, was an experience I have not had before, or at least for awhile. I was part of a prayer anointing line, just praying for people like I normally do. However, something changed and I began to pray like I have not prayed before. Between us, I think God took me to another level in the spiritual realm. Which was a surprise to me, because I'm the last person who deserves it. Nonetheless, somethings are changing and I feel I have so much more direction and clarity for my life right now.

I'm really really REALLY excited about the future, for no reason in particular, just because.

  1. Worship
  2. Prayer

Remember these two things, it's what will change the world. Notice change not Challenge.

Just when you think it's over, God says now let's begin.


If we don't keep considering our dream it will stay a dream or worse, it will become a nightmare.

A Father's Voice