I'm back after an amazing week at a youth camp. I was a group leader of a few youth from feet on the street in Reading. The boot-camp took place in Reading, Pa and was focused on evangelism. We did outreaches into Reading everyday, as well as work projects cleaning up the area. If you drive through Reading in the next few days, chances are you will see something we painted.
God did amazing things both for the kids and for myself. Many of them had never prayed for someone or witnessed to someone, but by the end of the camp I had to tell them to hurry up otherwise we would be late. Can you picture that? Youth that are so on fire for God that they would stop and pray for everyone they see? It was awesome to witness and be a part of.
Thursday night , the night of nights, was an experience I have not had before, or at least for awhile. I was part of a prayer anointing line, just praying for people like I normally do. However, something changed and I began to pray like I have not prayed before. Between us, I think God took me to another level in the spiritual realm. Which was a surprise to me, because I'm the last person who deserves it. Nonetheless, somethings are changing and I feel I have so much more direction and clarity for my life right now.
I'm really really REALLY excited about the future, for no reason in particular, just because.
- Worship
- Prayer
Remember these two things, it's what will change the world. Notice change not Challenge.
Just when you think it's over, God says now let's begin.
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