Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meet The Amish

It's funny how so many different people believe so many different things. Some good and others well, let's just leave it at that.

Before I met some friends in South Africa, that were from Lancaster, I had never heard of the Amish.

Who are they?
What are they?
Why do they think the way they do?

For those of you who don't know, Amish is a religion, a culture and a way of life that is very far from everyone else.

What they do not believe?
The Amish do not believe in the progression of technology, they are still living according to way back when.

They drive around in buggies with steel wheels (rubber is part of technology) pulled by a cart horse. It's very funny for someone not from Lancaster county to see them. I can only imagine how they must feel with all the stares they get.

I just thought I'd let you know what we see every time we leave our house. Um, nevermind I don't even need to leave to see them fly past at deathly slow speeds up the hill.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Who are the Greatest Athletes Ever

Since all the magic of the Olympics is happening with Phelps breaking World Records and what else, I thought I should at least say something about it. After all it will probably be talked about for generations after us. We are living in the time of the greatest athletes that have walked on the face of the earth.

A Jamaican guy, Bolt, just broke the world record for 100m sprint. He did this with such ease, that he was celebrating 15m before the finish line. Who can say they have seen that before? Not me.

Here are some of the athletes that I think have changed the face of sport as we have known it and stepped in up a level, with an unanswered reply.

Michael Phelps-Swimming-Usa
This is just an obvious one. It's all over the news, The Greatest Olympian Ever. You could debate and say that it's easier to win 8 Golds in swimming than any other event. But then answer this. How come no other swimmer is doing it?
Winning 8 Golds-8 Olympic records- 7 world records-and most Golds won at a single Olympics ever. This is no small achievement and I have a feeling it might take awhile to beat that, unless he does it next Olympics. You can read my Ezine Article on Phelps, here.

Tiger Woods-Golf-Usa
There is just no better golfer in my opinion. He plays where he wants, he wins where he wants and he earns what he wants. Can you have more control in the sporting world than that. I read the other day that he is now the highest paid sports man ever. Imagine that!

Lance Armstrong-Cycling-Usa
Winning one of the toughest race so many times in a row. Folks that's not normal, thats machine like. His heart rate proves it. It's way way way below anyone that I know. The other thing about Lance is the way he came back after cancer. It was amazing to see his passion and purpose to live.

Michael Jordan-Basketball-Usa
He was good, so true , but what I like about him is the way he projected himself to the world. I am sure there are basketball players better than him, but none are remembered quite like him. Ever thought about that? He was brilliant on and off the field. The way he made people remember him shows me how much character he had/has.

Michael Schumacher-Formula Racing-Germany
In my opinion the greatest F1 racer ever. He turned the Ferrari F1 team around, leading them to wins over and over again. I watched one race where he was last, a lap behind, and he just came back amazingly to win. His ability to read the sport and know what to do was astonishing.

Francois Pienaar/John Smit-Rugby-South Africa
These two you might not know, but they were/are captains of the South African Rugby team. The thing I like about these two is that they have tremendous leadership ability. They both lead South Africa to the rugby world cup.

This man no matter when you see him is always smiling. His sincere love for the game is what takes him the distance. Oh and a ton of skill.

We can make the perfect athlete with a combination of:
Phelps hard work, raw talent and smashing records.
Tiger Woods money.
Lance Armstrong's determination
Michael Jordan's personal relations
Michael Schumacher's ability to read situations and know what to do.
Francois and John's leadership
Ronaldinho's attitude and love for sport.

And there you have it the perfect athlete.
Or I could have just said: "ME"

Friday, August 15, 2008

Your Advice Counts

As I mentioned in my earlier post, 24 hours, you will see how quickly things can change. As of right now, I think our plan has changed a numerous times. I actually don't even know how many times. We need to make some decisions on which country we going to, when and how, since we leaving the USA.

By just speaking to one person we learn something new and find something else that we need to do. I just want to emphasize on this point quickly. Seeking the wisdom of many or few. This is such a vast topic, but I just want to briefly point out some things.

Is it better to seek advice from many or few?
I think this is solely dependent on what it is for. In some situations it would be self-suicide to ask everyone you know. Your head will be in a dismal, much like mine is now. The thing to understand is that everyone has an opinion about everything. Yes, that includes me and you. There is nothing wrong with our opinion, but in recent discovery your little opinion affects someone else. It doesn't just end by you in influences those around you.

I would "think" that in my case we need to get as much knowledge about the situation as possible. Hence asking everyone. But this causes confusion and changing of plans in 24 hours. Also by talking to many people, they become aware of the situation and help can be given.

Just something to think about. It sure was for me. I appreciate people's opinions and I know it helps me. Sometimes by seeking help of others, you are rewarded with something. Whether it be advice, personal help, open doors or them seeing something you didn't, it just stresses the point that we need people, friends and family.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Make-Over

Welcome to the new blog. If you are a regular reader and reading this in your email, then make your way over to the actual site. You will have noticed that it has had a drastic make-over. I think it looks much better than it did, but it's not what I think but what you think?

I'm going to be advertising my blog on a much bigger scale now and increase my readership.Over the past few months it has grown so much already and a special thanks to everyone for their support. I really hope you keep coming back to see what's happening ;)

You are welcome to tell your friends and family about it and advertise it for me if you feel so inclined. None of this would be possible if I didn't have your support.

Please don't forget to sign up to receive the latest posts right in your email, that way you don't have to keep checking back. I know you very busy and wouldn't want to waste your time. Just enter your email in the box on the right.

Have a super cool day
Cheers Jonathan

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hippy Happy Birfday

Before you ask if it felt any different waking up to be 2o, let me answer it.
It was totally totally different, I could feel like 20, not 19 anymore. (Sarcasm)
Nah! I pretty much feel the same OLD same Old. Nothing to much new, It was however one of the best birthdays I've had, for obvious reasons.

I of coarse had to use my free Shady Maple birthday ticket, so I went for breakfast with my bro and his friend. Ate myself into 20. For those who don't know, Shady Maple is the biggest smorgasbord or buffet you will ever see. There is so much food is scary, literally. There must have been at least 500-600 people there that day.

I then spoke to one of my best friends on skype (thanks bro) for a bit and my grandparents who waited up late to talk to me. Thanks to them, but I doubt they read my blog (not sure if they even have email, but I love them anyway)

RED LOBSTER- name ring a bell? Jup that was dinner, very good I must say. Although I don't like the fact that most seafood places in the USA don't do calamari, which is very upsetting as I love it. Here it's prawns this and prawns that, maybe some crab or fish, but prawns apparently is the thing. So we did prawns.

I'll have to post some pics for you guys to check out, just need to put it on the computer still.

Update on applying for UK holiday working visa for me:
Went to the DR today for physical check-up and I'm good health. And the lawyer said I can apply from the usa, which is conformation. Now just a few more things to get to gether and I can go apply.

Thanks for your prayers they seem to be working.

p.s thanks for those who wished me on facebook. Grrr to those who didn't
Jonathan, Jon, Jono or whatever else they call me.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Time to Leave America

It feels like its been at least 2 weeks since you last heard from me, very bad on my part. I'm going to have to pick this up. The past 2-3 weeks has been the most intense, life-altering, mind boggling and overwhelming time of my life.

To give you an update if you don't already know:

Monday two weeks ago, we spoke to a lawyer about our visa situation in the USA. We were and are under a ministry that have/is closing down, therefore we need to change our visa to another organization. In order to do so we need to leave the USA to apply. The only problem is that we don't have any sponsors here to come back. Not to many organizations are willing to commit to it.

So in a long story cut relatively short, we have received, made and exchanged phone calls with lawyers and people. It's surprising we haven't spoken to the president yet! Our current plan (it changes daily) is to go straight to the UK, since we sort of want to avoid living the rest of our lives in South Africa. Please don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the country, but if we had to go back, we would probably end up in no mans land. There is nothing to offer us there at the moment. As much as you think it would be fun, I am not working at mugg&bean. My last try at that lasted 2 days, before I quit

My great- grandfather was born in England, so my dad and the rest of the family can get in on Ancestry visa. I, however am too old. Turned 20 yesterday. Whoopi! I am going to apply for a 2 year working holiday visa for the UK. The only problem with this is that both visas must be applied for in the next 2 months. The UK is changing its laws and this is our last opportunity to get in.

Alot of things are still in the air though, nothing is for sure, which is not how I like to work, but hey what can you do. I'm hopefully going to apply in the next week or two then I'll be on my way, should I be accepted. It's really amazing how God works, either He is opening one door and closing another. Or we are way off track, lets hope its the first one.

I'm sure this is news to some of you and some not. It most definitely was to us. I think my last post would make a bit more sense now. Good news is I would be closer to my friends in Holland.
If you guys have any questions I'll try to answer. Keep us in your prayers as this is pretty stressful times. Normally people plan for years what we trying to accomplish in 1 month.


If we don't keep considering our dream it will stay a dream or worse, it will become a nightmare.

A Father's Voice