Friday, August 15, 2008

Your Advice Counts

As I mentioned in my earlier post, 24 hours, you will see how quickly things can change. As of right now, I think our plan has changed a numerous times. I actually don't even know how many times. We need to make some decisions on which country we going to, when and how, since we leaving the USA.

By just speaking to one person we learn something new and find something else that we need to do. I just want to emphasize on this point quickly. Seeking the wisdom of many or few. This is such a vast topic, but I just want to briefly point out some things.

Is it better to seek advice from many or few?
I think this is solely dependent on what it is for. In some situations it would be self-suicide to ask everyone you know. Your head will be in a dismal, much like mine is now. The thing to understand is that everyone has an opinion about everything. Yes, that includes me and you. There is nothing wrong with our opinion, but in recent discovery your little opinion affects someone else. It doesn't just end by you in influences those around you.

I would "think" that in my case we need to get as much knowledge about the situation as possible. Hence asking everyone. But this causes confusion and changing of plans in 24 hours. Also by talking to many people, they become aware of the situation and help can be given.

Just something to think about. It sure was for me. I appreciate people's opinions and I know it helps me. Sometimes by seeking help of others, you are rewarded with something. Whether it be advice, personal help, open doors or them seeing something you didn't, it just stresses the point that we need people, friends and family.



If we don't keep considering our dream it will stay a dream or worse, it will become a nightmare.

A Father's Voice